Recurrent UTI in Woman

Woman whom has suffered more then 3 urinary tract infection (UTI) will most probably continued on to get them. Any woman who has three or more urinary tract infection (UTI) occurrences should consult their doctor and seek available medical treatment options such as below:

Take very low doses of antibiotic or perhaps nitrofurantoin each day for the next 6 months or possible longer. Normally if the pill is taken, the medicine will remains inside the bladder for a longer period of time and could be much more effective. Researcher from University of Washington has proven that this therapy is effective without any side effects.Consume a dose of antibiotic after sexual encounter.

Nowadays, dipsticks which will change color when it detect infection present are available now without prescription. The dipstick strips will detect nitrite which will be formed when the bacteria present changes the nitrate in urine into nitrite. The test has success rate of 90 percent detecting UTIs in women especially when used early in the morning and also very useful to woman whom has recurrent UTI infections.

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Kidney Infection Home Remedies

I have gather these home remedies from forums. But if you suspect you have kidney infection symptoms, it is best to consult your doctor first. Kidney infection is a serious problem and need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

~ Mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar along with 1 tsp of honey and 8oz of hot/warm water, drink this 3-4 times a day.
~ mix around 1/4 of cranberry juice along with 3/4 of water together. Drink this constantly.


8 oz of warm water
1 tbsp of red vinegar
1 tbsp of honey

Mix those ingredients thoroughly and drink it slowly 3 times a day until kidney infection symptoms cleared up. The honey will covered up the nasty taste from the vinegar.

Things to avoid:
1. Animal protein such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
2. Don’t eat too much, except for soup
3. Food containing sugar(VERY important because bacteria within UTI and also Kidney will grow mainly on sugar)

Please bear in mind that kidney infection symptoms are display differently from one person to the other.

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Kidney Infection and Back Pain

A: Pain that caused by kidney infection will normally located near where the kidney is, which is on the both sides of your spine and at the back where your kidney is just above your hips. Also pain related to kidney often felt tender around the area. Direct injury on the kidneys area might cause direct injury to the kidneys itself.

It is sometimes hard to tell as because pain from kidney infection normally will comes from the kidneys itself and often mistaken for back pain. Kidney pain also may be tricky as the pain radiates to other parts of your body. Pain from kidney infection will disappear as soon as kidney infection is heal, or if the kidney stone has been removed. However, trauma to the kidney area injuries will not disappear that fast.

Pain in the kidney area caused by back injury can have the feeling as kidney infection. Injured back will not get worsen if you push gently on the back area directly on the kidney area. Normally there will be signs which will clearly distinguish the differences between kidney infection and a back trauma pain. Kidney infection symptoms as an example will include pain when urinating, feeling of chills and fever, sometimes blood can be seen within the urine through naked eye or through laboratory urine analysis. However, acute onset of the back pain could be due to injuries especially if the patient has hurt themselves doing activities.

Normally doctors who has patients coming in with back pain and has suffered from kidney infections before, will be tested for kidney problem as the patient’s history has shown that they might be prone to kidney infection.

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Complications of Kidney Infection

EPN which is known as emphysematous pyelonephritis in medical term – EPN is an extremely rare problem and yet it is also very deadly. EPN is actually a very severe infection on the kidney tissues that rapidly destroy the tissues. The bacteria also releases a toxic gas which will accumulates in the kidney which will causes abdominal pain, fever, feeling nausea, confusion and vomiting. Medical professionals are not able to pin point the exact causes of EPN but could linked it directly to badly managed diabetes. If this is not treated as soon as possible, the patient will risk multiple organ failures and also death. Normally surgery is performed to remove either part of or the entire infected kidney.Kidney abscesses – Pus that is accumulated inside the kidney tissues are call kidney abscesses. Some of the symptoms include unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain and also presence of blood within urine. Surgery will be required to drain the pus.Sepsis (blood poisoning) – Sepsis is a blood poisoning and could be fatal if not treated promptly. Sepsis occurs when bacteria from kidneys have spread into bloodstreams which could also poses a threat to infecting other organs. Some of sepsis symptoms include confusion, low blood pressure, diarrhea, disoriented, pale skin and loss consciousness. At this stage, the patient will normally be warded in Intensive Care Unit for constant monitoring.

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Chronic Kidney Infection Symptoms

Chronic kidney infection symptoms shows that kidney infection has progressed into advance stage and that the person suffering chronic kidney infection could damaged the kidney permanently if not treated as soon as possible and life at risk. The 2 most common bacteria that cause kidney infection are glomerulonephritis and pyelo-nephritis. Strep infection is one of the common cause of glomerulonephritis, while pyelo-nephritis could be cause by any other organisms which causes lower UTI (urinary tract infection).

Chronic kidney infection Symptoms

Chronic kidney infection symptoms normally will display some of the less severe urinary tract infection symptoms (UTI). Chronic kidney infection symptoms include foul smelling urine, cloudy urine, pain when urinating and the need to urinate frequently.  While the below shows the real chronic kidney infection symptoms.

High Fever

A high fever could be lead indicator of a severe kidney infection symptom. NIH (National Institutes of Health) advices that severe kidney infection could cause the body temperatures to exceed 102 degrees and this will last for some days.

Night Sweats and chills

People suffer from chronic kidney infection will also experience chills which will cause the sufferer’s body to shake, and followed by sweating at night.

Vomiting & Nausea

NIH (National Institutes of Health) has also found out that the symptoms of kidney infection which include vomiting with feeling nausea could indicate the infection has already spread to kidneys and has progressed severely.

Back Pain

Chronic kidney infections will also cause intense back pain on the lower. The whole area near groin may also suffer the painful effect.

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Causes of Kidney Infection

Kidney infection could be caused by a variety of factors. We will explore the causes of kidney infection below and also the risk associated with it.

Weak immune system – patients who has a weakened immune system is at risk as because fungal infection which is infecting their skins could eventually get into their bloodstream. These bacteria from the skin infections will attack the kidney and causes infection.

Urethra – pathogen such as bacteria can get in to urethra and multiply inside the bladder. This will cause infection and could spread to kidney.

Toilet Hygiene – when wiping the anus after toilet with toilet paper, it may be in contact with the person’s genitals. This will pose a risk for an infection which could work its way toward the kidney. Some bacteria such as E. coli could also enter through the anus area and causes kidney infection.

Female physiology – women has a shorter urethra which causes a high risk in bladder infection compare to men. Infections on the bladder could travel up to the kidney which then causes kidney infection.

Urinary catheter – is a tube which is used to drain urine from a person’s bladder via insertion through urethra. This poses a risk of contracting bacteria which causes urinary tract infection and kidney infection.

Kidney stones – kidney stones are caused by buildup of dissolve minerals on the kidney, and person suffering from kidney stones are prone to kidney infection.

Enlarged prostate – it has been known that men with enlarges prostate will have a greater risk of contracting kidney infections.

Sexual Intercourse – sexual intercourse could irritate the urethra in women and will have a greater risk of bacteria moving into urinary tract, which will then eventually reach the kidney.

It is wise to know about the variety of factors which could causes kidney infection, and learn of the kidney infection symptoms so it could be control and cure in the early stage.

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Causes and Symptoms of Bladder Infection

Why do a number of ladies seem to develop UTIs more easily compared to other people? A few specialists point out genetics will be the key, considering that research has shown that women having particular blood antigens (called the Lewis groups) tend to be more susceptible to cystitis. The cells which line their urinary tracts seem to have much more receptors to which bacteria can easily stick. Some others may lack glycosaminoglycan, the substance found within the surface on the bladder that’s inhospitable to bacteria.

Another possible cause of recurrent infections in ladies can be an ill-fitting diaphragm. If it’s too big, it might push against the neck from the bladder and even interfere with the normal flow of urine and contribute to incomplete bladder emptying. This could serve as a breeding ground with regard to germs.

In men, an enlarged prostate could raise the danger for UTIs. Poor hygiene is linked to UTIs in children, and 50 percent of infants and 30 percent of older children with UTIs could have an anatomic abnormality. People who are catheterized are usually also at risk for UTIs.

Although there is absolutely no scientific evidence linking diet to UTIs, many people discovered that alcohol consumption, tomato fruits, spices or herbs, chocolates, caffeinated or citrus fruit drinks, and higher-acid foodstuffs might possibly lead to bladder discomfort and even inflammation.

The common symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) are constant, instant wish to pee as well as a hurtful burning feeling (often called dysuria) when urinating. Low back pain, lower tummy soreness, pressure on the pelvic, together with urine which is cloudy and also blood-tinged are also revealing indicators and symptoms. Usually you will find there’s slight fever and even chills.

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