If you display bladder infection symptoms or urinary tract infection symptoms, most likely you have bladder infection and it is serious health problems that affect many people each year. Infection of the bladder is also known as most common infection to the human body. Women are generally more prone to bladder infection for unknown reasons; however bladder infection in men is not so common as to women. Bladder Infection is also known as Urinary Tract Infection.
Not all people who suffer from bladder infection will display any bladder infection symptoms. At least one of the following bladder infection symptoms or urinary tract infection symptoms will be display and that person will need to consult doctor as soon as possible.
Pic from HealthyLifestyle
Bladder Infection Symptoms
A strong and constant urge to urinateBurning and suffer sharp pain in urethra when urinatingUnable to empty full bladderUrine contain some bloodSuffer soreness along the lower abdomen region, back or on both sidesWomen might feel very uncomfortable pressure on the pubic bones regionRemember, bladder infection symptoms or urinary tract infection symptoms vary from person to another person. If you display some of the symptoms of bladder infection or symptoms of urinary tract infection, it is best to consult your doctor as soon as possible.
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