Overview of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is any type of malignant growths in the urinary bladder. In this disease, the abnormal cells increase in number without the bladder control. Bladder is the muscular, hollow organ that is located in the pelvis and stores urine. The common type of bladder cancer starts growing around the lining inside the bladder and is known as transitional cell carcinoma. Because of the uncontrolled nature, they advance on neighboring tissues. Also, these tumors travel to other remote organs through bloodstream. This process of spreading and invading is called metastasis.

Causes of Bladder Cancer.

There is no exact reason for bladder cancer and now it has been found that tobacco smoking is the primary cause for this type of cancer. Smoking is the major cause for cancer in men and a large proportion in women. Smokers have greater chances of getting bladder cancer than non-smokers. Next causes could be chemical exposures during work. People who work with certain chemical industries or chemical develop the chances for this cancer.

Organic chemicals, especially aromatic amines are highly linked with bladder cancer. This chemical is highly used in the dye industry. Other chemical industries linked with this type of cancer are rubber processing, textiles, leather processing, paints, printing, and hair coloring. This can be prevented by following strict workplace measures. People who eat large quantity of animal fats and fried meats are at higher risks of getting this cancer. The herb aristolochia fangchi that is used for weight loss is believed to cause kidney failure and bladder cancer. Research has shown that this herb contains chemicals that cause cancer.

Other factors include age, race, birth defects, chronic bladder inflammation and history of cancer.

The common symptoms of bladder cancer include:

Blood in the urine, this may be sometime visible to naked eye or only detected through microscope.

Burning sensation or pain during urination without any trace of urinary tract infection.

Having the urge to urinate more often or frequent urination.

All these signs and symptoms are not very specific to this cancer and sometimes these symptoms are due to any cystitis infections and prostate infections.


The bladder cancer is diagnosed by biopsy during cystoscopy. Positive result in the cytology is the sure indication for bladder cancer. Today, urine bound markers are used to diagnose this type of cancer. Urine bound markers are very sensitive, but not as accurate as urine cytology. The suspected growth is biopsied and further analyzed for pathologic analysis.

In pathological analysis, most of the bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma. The other least occurring cancers are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and sarcoma.

The various stages in the type of cancer are classified according to their size, location, and spread of cancer.


The treatment is given to this type of cancer based on how deep the tumor is grown on the wall. Superficial cancer can be shaved off using electrocautery equipment that is attached to the cystoscope. Superficial tumors can also be treated and prevented by immunotherapy by means of BCG instillation. Sometimes, chemotherapy instillations like valrubicin are also used to treat BCG-refractory.

Untreated tumors later penetrate into the urinary bladder muscular wall. The tumor that has penetrated inside the wall requires radical surgery where whole bladder or part of it is removed and the urine stream is deviated. Sometimes, substitute bladder is created by the intestinal tissue, but this done based on patient age, patient preference, site of the disease, and renal function.

Also, the combination of chemotherapy and radiation are used to treat invasive disease.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created numerous articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. For other articles on Allergies click on Articles on Allergies and for other articles click on Other Articles.

Prostate Cancer and the Problem of Blocking the Bladder

Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells shape in the tissues of the prostate. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is just about the size of a walnut and encircles part of the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). The prostate gland creates fluid that makes up part of the semen.

Prostate cancer is discovered primarily in older men. As men age, the prostate might grow and block the urethra or bladder. This could lead to trouble in urination or could slow down sexual function. The condition is named benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and even if it is not cancer, surgery might be wanted to correct it. Its symptoms or of other problems in the prostate could be similar to symptoms of cancer of prostate.

A latest study found that thirty percent of a sample of seniors in receipt of Medicare assistances who had undergone a radical prostatectomy reported urinary incontinence. Over forty-seven percent of all men responding to one survey reported dripping urine on a daily basis; and to manage wetness, thirty-one percent of the respondents made use of pads or clamps. Other studies have given an account that stress urinary incontinence was present in eight percent of men who undertaken a radical retropubic prostatectomy, with six percent wearing one or fewer pads a day.

Incontinence after prostate surgery could be caused by stress, urge or mixed urinary incontinence. In men, stress incontinence could happen in consequence of intrinsic urethral sphincter deficiency. The sphincter is an interwoven band of striated muscle placed at the base of the bladder (the bladder outlet) and the proximal piece of the urethra.

A number of doctors have discovered that patients who put into practice pelvic muscle (Kegel) exercises before prostate surgery come into contact with a more rapid return to bladder control. Bringing together pelvic muscle exercise with bladder retraining for men with both stress and urge urinary incontinence could reduce urine leakage, urine urgency and frequency.

Men who come into contact with incontinence after prostate surgery need to know they are not alone and that there might be some treatments that could make the incontinence under control.

If you want to get some excellent resources on PROSTATE CANCER, please visit my site on 1st-in-ProstateCancer

Symptoms of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a condition that is also referred to as "urge incontinence". In most cases, those that are older experience complications associated with this condition. However, it could affect an individual of any age group. This condition is also identified as "spastic bladder". When an individual suffers from this medical condition, it is common for them to experience a loss of urine that is considered to be involuntary.

Typically, the sufferer will experience an increased need to urinate when this loss of urine occurs. Many individuals believe that an overactive bladder is a medical condition or a disease. In all actuality, this is simply a symptom of an underlying condition. In this medical guide, you will learn important facts pertaining to the topic of spastic bladder.

The Causes of Urge Incontinence

Medical professionals have established that when an individual experience an overactive bladder, it is a direct result from contractions that occur in the bladder and are considered to be abnormal. The muscles that assist in the flow and output of the urine contained within the bladder are called sphincter muscles.

When an individual experiences an overactive bladder, these muscles are no longer effective when it comes to controlling the urine to be emitted from the body. When evaluating the cause of spastic bladder, one must first consider the causes associated with abnormal muscle contraction in this region of the body. Examples of situations that could result in these contractions include the following:

• There are nerves located in the bladder walls as well as around the bladder in the body. If these nerves become damaged for one reason or another, it could result in contractions of the muscles that are considered to be abnormal.

• If there has been an injury or any type of traumatic situation involving the spinal cord, the muscles may contract abnormally.

• It has been established that there are certain types of stimuli that may result in the contraction of the muscles that surround the bladder. For example, many individuals may experience muscle contractions.

Risk Factors

There are many risk factors associated with overactive bladder. While individuals from older generations suffer from this medical condition, it could affect any person of any age. Many women that become pregnant may experience this complication. In the same respect, those that have recently given birth may suffer from a spastic bladder.

Women that are experiencing menopause and other complications associated with the menstrual cycle may also experience issues with an overactive bladder. Individuals that have had certain surgeries such as those of the prostate and suffer from medical conditions such as diabetes and certain types of injuries may also suffer from overactive bladder. If you feel as if you may suffer from this condition, it is important to seek medical assistance for treatment.

About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.

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The Bladder

I am the holding tank. I am the lowest point. It all flows down to me. The blood goes round and round, and the liver decides what stays and what goes. What goes, goes to the kidneys. And when the kidneys are done with what goes round, it goes down to me. It all comes down to me.

It goes round and it comes down and I hold it in until it is time. Then I let it go, so it can go round somewhere else, back into the flow of nourishment and change.

I am part of it all, but I am apart; I am touched by it all, but not taken. I am the container, not the contents. I offer short-term storage, no interest, no credit, just in and out, here and gone. I have no plans, no memories, no desires. Fill me. Empty me. Again. And again.

I am your bladder. I am your servant. But I can only hold so much.

Your rage trickles down to me. It burns me; it irritates me. Your fear of life seeps into me. It annoys me; it compresses me.

Grudges precipitate and settle into me. Your suspicious nature grabs hold of me. It tears at me; it agitates me. Controlling me doesn't give you control over your life. Trust the process; surrender to the flow.

I am your bladder. It all comes down to me. It all goes round and round, and it comes out here.


The urinary bladder is an elastic, muscular, thin-tissued storage place for urine, which is produced by the kidneys. Urine travels to the bladder via thin, foot-long tubes called ureters. The tube from the bladder to the outside is the urethra. An adult's bladder can hold at least 1000ml before bursting.

The bladder has an inner layer of protective, collagen-rich mucus, a middle-layer of smooth muscle (the detrusor - "thrust out" - muscle), and an outer layer of connective tissues which unites the bladder, ureters and urethra.

At the base of the bladder, smooth muscles form an internal sphincter that involuntarily releases urine. Below that, skeletal muscles - which are under conscious control - form the external urethral sphincter, giving us a choice in when we void. The average human bladder is emptied every 2-5 hours during the day.

When the bladder is about half full, stretch receptors send an impulse to the sacral spinal nerves, which send a message to the brain, causing the detrusor muscle to contract, the internal sphincter to relax, and alerting us to our need to "go." If we don't void, the urge disappears within a minute, then recurs at intervals. The tighter the stretch, the more frequent the messages to let go.

Although women's bladders are somewhat constrained in size by the uterus, which lies behind it, there is little difference in the capacity, or functioning, of healthy men's and women's bladders.

But the bladder's proximity to the ovaries and uterus in women, and the prostate gland in men, give a subtle, hormonally-mediated twist to bladder problems. A woman's shorter urethra (4cm versus his 20cm) makes bladder infections more common for her; more women than men are incontinent; and prostate problems interfere with bladder functioning in many men as they age.


There are many problems that can bother the bladder, from infections to retention (can't go) to incontinence (can't not go). If the muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, urine leaks ( stress incontinence ); if they are very lax, the bladder prolapses down into the vagina. As men age, the growth of the prostrate can press on the bladder, preventing it from fully emptying and increasing the frequency of urination. And some men have paruresis or "shy" bladder, while women are more bothered by an overactive bladder or urge incontinence which bothers many women as well. Exercising the pelvic floor muscles is the best medicine for anyone with these problems.

If bacteria move from the anus into the bladder the result is a urinary tract infection (UTI) or cystitis, which can range from acute episodes to chronic urgency and pelvic pain. Bacteria - including gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Mycoplasma genitalium - can inflame the urethra (urethritis) and cause pain. Herbs are very effective in soothing inflammation and in clearing infections of all sorts, though drugs may be required.

Symptoms of cystitis include frequent intense urges to urinate, often with burning pain, tenderness, incontinence, and bloody, cloudy, or strong-smelling urine. When treated promptly, cystitis is not threatening. Left untreated, however, the bacteria can move up the ureters and into the kidneys, causing fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, back pain on one side, and eventual kidney damage. Interstitial cystitis is an ulcerated condition of the bladder which mimics cystitis, but gets worse, or fails to respond to treatments that relieve cystitis. Interstitial cystitis may be related to fibromyalgia.

And cancer can grow in the bladder or kidneys.


An herb that can improve muscle tone in the bladder, ease irritation in the bladder lining and ureters, heal all surfaces, counter inflammation, and create resilient health throughout the urinary system is a true bladder star. That's comfrey - Symphytum.

I don't use Symphytum officinale, which is often cited, and is associated with alkaloid-overdose of the liver. Instead, I use the comfrey from my garden, Symphytum uplandica x, also called "Russian" or "blue" comfrey. In fact, I've never seen anyone growing officinale, which is a small plant with yellow flowers. I strongly suspect that all the comfrey for sale in the United States in uplandica.

The allantoin in comfrey is a superb healer of mucus surfaces, such as those lining the bladder and ureters. It gives almost immediate relief to those with interstitial cystitis and works to counter urge incontinence and overactive bladders. Comfrey's anti-inflammatory action relieves urethritis and prostate swelling, too.

The astringent tannins in comfrey help tone and tighten the bladder and pelvic floor muscles, countering stress incontinence. Comfrey also relaxes the detrusor muscle.

The lavish amounts of minerals, vitamins, and protein found in comfrey allow the body to engage in any repairs that are needed and may counter bladder cancer.

A sitz bath of the leaves or roots works well for those reluctant to consume comfrey. But, for best results, comfrey leaf infusion, a cup or two a day, gets my vote.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material in this article is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

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The Bladder and Parkinson's Disease

The term, Parkinsonism, is used to describe a group of conditions that exhibit symptoms such as slowness of movement, rigidity and tremors. A well known and common example of such a condition would be Parkinson's disease.

At some stage of their affliction, some sufferers of Parkinsonism may experience problems with their bladder. These bladder (and/or bowel) problems can affect the person's quality of life to a great degree. A decrease in the ability to move to the bathroom when needed is just one cause of the person's embarrassment.

A normal bladder can store about a pint of urine and will need to be emptied four to six times per day. The bladder's function is to act as storage place for the urine and it will normally empty itself totally when the person urinates.

While the bladder may seem like a simple storage organ, it is actually a very complex organ. The bladder can fill while it is in the relaxed state. And it can empty when it is contracted, thus the urine is squeezed out. The nerves and muscles that do this work are complex, and the nerves require long pathways from the brain to the bladder.

Because of this complexity, people suffering from Parkinson's disease may experience difficulty in emptying the bladder and an unstable bladder.

Difficulty in emptying the bladder can happen when the sphincter is not relaxed enough to allow the urine out or because the bladder doesn't start to contract when needed. There can also be a problem in maintaining the bladder contraction long enough to ensure that the urine is completely voided.

In any case, a small amount of urine often remains in the bladder which gives the urgent feeling of having to empty the bladder again and again.

Urinary tract infections tend to be common among those who are unable to empty their bladder completely as the urine residue is considered a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

The unstable bladder is caused when the neural messages from the brain to the bladder are not sent and received properly. When this happens you feel the need to go but try to delay it while you are looking for a toilet. Because the neural message from the brain telling the bladder to "hold on" isn't getting through properly, the person feels a sense of urgency. Should no restroom be found quickly, the person may wet himself. This is also known as urge incontinence.

Bladder problems often become worse during the night as sufferers of Parkinsonism often have reduced dopamine levels at this time of day. This reduced level of dopamine makes it harder for the patient to get out of the bed, walk to the toilet, and begin the process of emptying the bladder. It is not uncommon for people with Parkinsonism to have sleepless nights caused by these frequent visits to the bathroom.

For more information and resources on Parkinson's disease, symptoms, common treatments [http://www.pdexplained.com/Common-Treatments-for-Parkinsons-Disease.html], causes, surgery, bowel problems with Parkinson's disease [http://www.pdexplained.com/Bowel-Problems-with-Parkinsons-disease.html] and much more facts and resources, visit Jeremy Parker's comprehensive reference guide on Parkinson's disease [http://www.pdexplained.com].

Treating Cat Bladder Stones - Best Option Available For You

If you are looking to find the right way to treat bladder stones in cats and FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease), then make sure you read the next few lines very carefully.

If the bladder crystals are caused by an infection, the vet might prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection. It is rare for a cat to get a urinary tract infection, occurring in less than 1% of cats. In most cats, the problem is in fact urolithiasis or stones. The two most common types of stones are called struvite and calcium oxalate.

Surgery is the most common option available to treat bladder stones in cats. Once completed, steps should be taken to avoid future problems, the most important of which is to increase the water intake of your cat.

There are several methods that can be used to improve water intake:

1. Switch to a canned diet or a dry diet that is formulated to encourage drinking and urination. This can include buying foods with added salt. Water intake can also be improved by increasing the number of times per day your cat eats.

2. Improve the Availability of water - consider placing more than one water dish in the home, particularly in areas where you cat likes to sit or observe others. Cat's prefer larger water bowls where their whiskers do not touch the edges of the bowl. Also, cats are nocturnal by nature, so drinking at night might also be preferred.

3. Provide filtered water - water can either be bottled, from the tap or filtered through a popular filter such as Brita. Adding sugar to the water does not increase consumption. Flavorings might, such as tuna or clam juice.

4. Running water bowls - some cat's will be attracted to running water. Several manufacturers offer these types of water bowls.

5. Try Cranberry - Cranberries have natural properties which improve the health of the urinary tract and bladder. If your cat will tolerate it, add some cranberry juice to the water dish in the morning. If not, a cranberry powdered supplement can be of help.

In addition to water, natural remedies could be of help. Natural remedies that contain plant based ingredients can help to reduce the impact of symptoms and protect against future bladder problems in cats quite effectively. Particularly, herbs like berberis vulg, uva ursi, and cantharis are known for their ability to treat and prevent a wide range of urinary problems in cats including bladder infections, urinary incontinence, and bladder stones. These herbs are completely natural and do not cause any side effects. So, they are considered a safe and effective way to treat bladder crystals in cats.

Dietary change might also be recommended as a preventative for avoiding future cases of cat bladder stones. These diets are usually canned, magnesium restricted and contain added salt to encourage drinking.

When it comes to the treatment and prevention of cat bladder stones, the best option is to make some changes in your cat's diet, increase water consumption and consider adding a natural remedy for overall urinary system support. Above all else, increased water consumption is the most important step.

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Cat Health Guide which has additional information on the best option for cat bladder stones.

For more information on natural treatment options and cranberry supplements, the author also recommends the Pet Health Guide section on bladder stones cat.

Urinary Incontinence and Senior Falls

Most people know that falls in the elderly can lead to hip fractures and severe debilitation. What you may not be aware of is the connection between urinary incontinence and fall risk. Seniors who have urinary incontinence have been shown to have 3 times the risk of falls as compared to seniors without urinary incontinence. By treating your bladder problems, you may reduce the risk of a major, life-altering fall.

The number of emergency room visits in the U.S. each year due to falls in those 65 and older is 1.9 million. Unfortunately, 491,500 of these people become hospitalized and more than 15,000 die from injuries related to the fall. The total costs associated with falls in the U.S.is a staggering $80.9 billion including $19 billion in direct medical costs. (Statistics according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 2007). The good news is bladder problems and balance can be improved through targeted exercise.

What is the connection between urinary incontinence and senior falls? There are two possible answers. The first is that in their haste to get to the bathroom seniors trip and fall over things in their living environment. The second is linked to weakening of the muscles we use for bladder control, which are the same muscles we use to control our balance. Both of these issues can be addressed with proper intervention.

To prevent falls from tripping, keep the floors in your home environment clear of piles, furniture, throw rugs and toys. Pay attention to where your pets might be lying. Wear shoes or slippers that fit properly so they do not become a hazard. Move furniture that is in the way. Use rubber mats and well secured grab bars for bathtubs and showers. Install hand railings along stairways. Check your home environment for potential hazards and take action before an accident occurs.

How is weakness of our muscles affecting both our balance and our bladder control? The muscles involved in both balance and continence are:

1) the pelvic floor muscles,

2) the muscles that rotate our hips,

3) the deep abdominal muscles that wrap around us like a corset

4)) the multifidus, which supports our low back, and

5) the diaphragm.

These muscles are collectively called the pelvic core muscles. The pelvic core functions to support our bladder and allows us to make adjustments during walking and movement in order to maintain our balance. Research has shown that women with urinary incontinence score lower on balance testing than continent women. It has been found that women with incontinence use the pelvic core muscles in a different way. They over use the abdominal muscles, which may hinder balance response by making the body rigid.

They under use other muscles that then become weak from lack of activation. Weakness in the pelvic core has been shown to contribute to bladder leaking. It is essential to maintain the pelvic core muscles for bladder control and balance. Many studies have shown that our muscles can be retrained and strengthened at ANY age. We may not get the same bulk or quick response we did when we were younger but change is achievable!

We are able to reverse muscle weakness through exercise and proper retraining. Strengthening our pelvic core muscles will alleviating our symptoms of urinary incontinence and keep our balance at its peak. Do not allow yourself to become a victim of a major fall. You can accomplish pelvic core strengthening through self-help programs such as The Bladder Cure or by asking your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic retraining.

Karen Sebastian has a Master of Science in Physical Therapy and is the creator of The Bladder Cure DVD, a self-help program for bladder issues. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, is a Certified Pilates Instructor and a yoga practitioner of many years. Take action today! For more resources, tips and advice on incontinence and overactive bladder, visit http://www.TheBladderCure.com.

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Ultimate Urinary Cleanse 60 capsThe urinary system is composed of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Ultimate Urinary Cleanse? is designed with nutrients to support the proper functioning of the urinary system.* This formula contains cranberry extract which contains bladder protecting compounds.* The antioxidant components in cranberries are also widely known for their health-promoting properties.* Ultimate Urinary Cleanse? includes ingredients such as goldenrod, birch leaf extract and uva ursi which have all traditionally been used to nourish, cleanse and support the urinary system.*

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Weak Bladder Symptoms

If you have problems sometimes getting to the bathroom in time to urinate, you aren't alone. In fact there are millions of adults who suffer from this problem known as incontinence. Some might immediately thing of wearing diapers or pads but there are now medications you can take that can help treat the condition.

Bladder problems can sometimes be caused be an illness. So when the illness is gone the incontinence goes with it. It is more common for women to develop bladder infections because it is easier to get bacteria in their urinary tract. When this occurs you may experience incontinence until the infection has gone away.

If you are experiencing long lasting incontinence then it may be caused by something other than a bladder infection such as a weak bladder, weakening of the muscles around the bladder, a blocked urinary passageway, the damage to the nerves that control the bladder, as well as diseases such as arthritis.

If you talk with your doctor and do the necessary treatment then you won't have to deal with any rashes, sores, bladder infections, inability to sleep, or sexual problems due to incontinence. There are great and easy ways to treat this condition and can be stopped or greatly decreased in almost everyone who is willing to try the medications and other treatments available.

Some medications you can ask your doctor about include Detrol and Ditropan. You need a prescription to get either of these medicines. For a non prescription or medicinal treatment option you can go to a local drugstore and pick up a throw away patch. The main companies are UroMed and Miniguard. This patch is a small quarter sized patch that is placed sticky side down on a woman's urinary opening to help hold in light to medium leakage.

You can try bladder or habit training which will train your bladder to retain urine longer. Your doctors will likely have you urinate at specified times, such as once every hour. The longer you are able to stay dry, the longer the time will become. Your doctor will also instruct you to avoid drinks that include caffeine such as many coffee, soda, and tea products. You will also likely be told to cut on how much liquid you drink before going to bed, but remember being hydrated is important so don't cut back during the day.

You can exercise your bladder this is easier than it sounds. To make your muscles around the bladder stronger you can try holding the urine in your bladder for longer periods of time. Tighten the muscle for about five to ten seconds and then relax for equal amounts of time, increasing the number of repetitions as you can.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family [http://www.deservedhealth.com/]. Read more about weak bladder [http://www.deservedhealth.com/weak-bladder/]. Cure your uti fast [http://www.deservedhealth.com/cure-your-uti-fast/].

Himalaya Herbal Healthcare UriCare/Cystone, Urinary Comfort, 240 Vcaps, 660mg

Himalaya Herbal Healthcare UriCare/Cystone, Urinary Comfort, 240 Vcaps, 660mgUriCare® Econo (internationally known as Cystone® Econo) ? 180 Vcaps ? Unfortunately, sometimes nature doesn?t call by itself. Thankfully, there?s an herbal formulation proven by 79 published clinical trials to support urinary tract function ? UriCare. Taken daily, UriCare supports the kidneys and urinary tract as they do their important work. UriCare supports normal urine composition, too. It?s formulated with Didymocarpus, Saxifraga Ligulata, Prickly Chaff Flower and Indian Madder. Next time nature calls, you know how to answer, with UriCare. It?s currently under clinical trial at the Mayo Clinic. (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease). Still family owned, Himalaya Herbal Healthcare has been in existence for 77 years and is now available in 76 countries. With an 80,000 sq. ft. R&D facility and more than 100 physicians and scientists on staff, over 20 billion tablets and Vcaps are produced each year in GMP facilities. One Himalaya product is bought every quarter of a second somewhere in the world. Herbs are grown on over 700 acres of organic farmland and 1,112 clinical trials have been published on Himalaya products.

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Urinary Incontinence Causes Depression in the Elderly

Depression and social isolation are not new topics when discussing issues of the elderly. What may surprise you is the impact urinary incontinence has on the risk of depression in the senior population. Research has shown that individuals with urinary incontinence are more likely to experience depression than those without bladder control problems. In fact, 15% of those with bladder problems report depression. Loss of bladder control can potentially lead to a life of social isolation for seniors. Social isolation has many negative effects associated with it that can result in both mental and physical deterioration, and loss of quality of life.

Though urinary incontinence is not a disease, our dignity as adults is closely tied to our ability to control our bladder. The symptoms associated with loss of bladder control can be bothersome, embarrassing, and undermine our self-confidence and freedom to enjoy life to its fullest. Treating seniors who suffer from urinary incontinence will remove one factor that can significantly increase their risk of depression.

Imagine you are a generally healthy senior living alone with the capability of getting out and moving around in the community. Yet each time your family invites you out to dinner or to come to the grandchildren's activities, your answer is "no" followed by some excuse. You are open to the family coming to your house but the grandchildren are becoming so busy that those visits are few and far between. Your friends are inviting you out less often. The thought of trying to sit through a movie or social event gives you anxiety. Your sex life has suffered. The only things holding you back are the fear that there may not be a restroom available and the possible embarrassment from having an accident. There are solutions that can help incontinence and help you stay socially active.

Coping techniques to consider: Giving in to fear is only going to land you in the downward spiral of depression. Wear a padded undergarment for protection while you are out and stay socially involved. Pack a small bag of change of clothes. Ask for help from your doctor or a close friend you trust. Keeping this a secret is not good for your mental or physical health, especially when there is help waiting for you. You may be surprised to find out how many people you know are dealing with incontinence, considering 1 in 5 people suffer from it. You will open yourself to enjoying a longer, happier life by finding solutions to your bladder problems.

Treatment to alleviate symptoms: Physical therapists are the specialists in the medical community who deal with musculoskeletal issues. Weakness of the pelvic core muscles is the primary reason for loss of bladder control and is reversible with lifestyle modifications and appropriate exercise. What will you gain from strengthening your pelvic floor muscles? You will alleviate or eliminate symptoms of bladder leaking and have more confidence in social situations. You will improve your balance, which can decrease your risk of falls. You will strengthen the muscles that support your low back. By regaining control of your body you are regaining the freedom you deserve in your life. Drugs and surgery should be considered as the last resort for treating urinary incontinence, after conservative treatments have failed (unless recommended by your doctor). The first-line approach to conservative treatment can be self-help, which has been shown to be highly effective. For one-on-one therapy ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist specializing in pelvic rehabilitation and treating incontinence. Seek counseling with a mental health professional for dealing with depression and health related issues.

Karen Sebastian is a physical therapist of fourteen years and creator of The Bladder Cure DVD, a self-help program for incontinence. Karen is also a Certified Pilates Instructor and yoga practitioner of fifteen years. Take action today! For more resources, tips and advice on incontinence and overactive bladder, visit http://www.TheBladderCure.com

Month12 System for Urinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infection - Kidneys Support

Month12 System for Urinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infection - Kidneys SupportWaste products accumulate within the body inhibiting the rebuilding of healthy new cells when the urinary system is not functioning properly. Infection and bacteria build-up within the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder and urethra and can cause discomfort and extreme pain. The Urinary System pack keeps these organs cleaned out, healthy and strong.

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Urinary Incontinence in Women - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Millions of Americans have urinary incontinence. It is a condition that affects both men and women, young and old alike. But what is urinary incontinence, and what can you do if you have it? This article will answer these questions and more.

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence refers to the unintentional, uncontrolled release of urine. Commonly, this leakage occurs during a cough, laugh or sneeze, or when you have the urge to urinate but cannot reach a bathroom in time. It's important to realize that incontinence is not a disease but a symptom. Incontinence is a byproduct of some other problem within the lower urinary tract.

Urinary incontinence does not normally lead to major health problems, but it can obviously be unpleasant and embarrassing. With that being said, urinary incontinence is actually quite common (especially with older adults) and is relatively easy to treat.

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Urge incontinence and stress incontinence are the two most common types of incontinence within females. Understanding the difference between these two is the key to understanding their causes.

Type #1 - Stress Incontinence

Significant weight gain and childbirth can stretch the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control the bladder, and when they're stretched they cannot do their job of closing off the urethra. This condition can be worsened by smoking, being overweight, or during menopause.

Type #2 - Urge Incontinence

When you hear the phrase "overactive bladder," it's normally describing the condition of urge incontinence. Urge incontinence is sort of the reverse of stress incontinence. Only instead of being caused by a lack of muscle contraction, it's caused by the muscles contracting involuntarily.

Urge incontinence can be caused by a number of factors, including kidney stones, bladder stones, tumors that press on the bladder, stroke, Parkinson's disease, or simply age-related changes in the bladder muscle.

Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

There are several treatments for urinary incontinence. Talk to your doctor to determine the treatment that's right for you, as it will depend on the cause of your incontinence and other factors. Treatments may include medication, lifestyle changes, special exercises or minimally invasive surgery.

Preventing Urinary Incontinence

There are several things you can do to reduce your chances of developing urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, thereby reducing the chances of stress incontinence. Maintaining a healthy wait and being a non-smoker also go a long way toward preventing incontinence.

Learn More

B.R. Cornett writes on behalf of the Urology Team of Austin, Texas. To learn more about urinary incontinence in females [http://www.urologyteam.com/female-urology/incontinence.htm], or to get help for it, visit the Urology Team website at www.urologyteam.com

Poise Bladder Protection Pads, Moderate- Long, 60-Count (Pack of 4)

Poise Bladder Protection Pads, Moderate- Long, 60-Count (Pack of 4)Extra Plus: 11 inches. Superior dryness! (vs. similar length maxi pads.) Blue absorbent center! Large blue absorbent center quickly locks away wetness and neutralizes odors. Dual layers provide absorbency throughout the pad. Contoured pad design allows for protection where you need it most. Individually wrapped. Made in U.S.A.

Price: $68.50

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Natracare Dry and Light Incontinence Pad, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)

Natracare Dry and Light Incontinence Pad, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)Soft and discreet, Natracare Dry & Light pads are the first of their kind; made from Totally Chlorine Free, sustainable and natural, biodegradable materials that are also free from petroleum-derived super absorbents and plastics found in many other products. Biodegradable and compostable these discrete thin pads are individually wrapped for convenience in a biodegradable purse pack. Now with 100% pure organic next to the skin, Natracare's Dry & LIght pads for light incontinence and sensitive bladder provide the natural choice for women. 20 pads per pack.

Price: $38.94

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Ways You Can Identify Kidney Problem Signs

Many kidney diseases usually develop over a period of many years. It usually takes a long time for kidney problem symptoms to develop to the point where you recognize that you have kidney trouble. If symptoms of kidney problems unnoticed, the kidneys could fail completely, which is a life-threatening medical emergency.

Here are a number of normal kidney problem symptoms:

urinary discomfort that could feel like a bladder infection: a painful sensation during urination, along with the feeling that you need to urinate often and urgently, although very little urine is produced,
cloudiness or blood in the urine stream,
swelling, especially in the feet,
pain in the back or flanks, especially if there are kidney stones,
tiredness, lack of pep, muscle weakness,
little appetite,
memory problems and an inability to think clearly.

Of course, some kidney problem symptoms are similar to other medical conditions, so visit your physician for an accurate diagnosis. A sickness known as nephrotoxicity occurs when the body is exposed to a contaminant or drugs that injure the kidneys. When kidney damage occurs, toxins and waste products build up in the blood. Blood electrolytes like potassium and magnesium are elevated, and creatinine in the blood will also be increased. These abnormal levels, however, may sometimes only be detected in kidney function tests.

What causes kidney failure most often? Diabetes and hypertension are among the most common reasons people experience kidney function problems. Many know they have these diseases, but they may not appreciate that they are at a much higher risk for kidney problems because of them. Once again, kidney damage normally occurs little by little over years and often happens in both kidneys. But because there are no overt symptoms in the early stages, you are not aware that it's happening.

If you already have diabetes, kidney disease can be prevented by keeping your blood sugar in the range where it should be. Anyone with high blood pressure is also at a greater risk for kidney problems. When you have high blood pressure, the kidneys do not filter fluids and toxins blood very efficiently. Therefore, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels are important for preventing kidney damage. Most people don't think about kidney problems until they have one. So it's important to learn to recognize kidney problem symptoms so you can take quick action, with the help of your medical professional, if signs of kidney trouble begin to appear.

Are you looking for more information on kidney disorder symptoms? Click on Kidney Health Problems.

Neal Kennedy is a retired radio and TV talk show host with a special interest in fitness and medical topics

What Leads to Bladder Infections Among Pregnant Women?

Nowadays, several women suffer from bladder infections during pregnancy. Medical studies suggest that around 3 to 4% of the pregnant women suffer from UTI. Initially, the infection enters the urinary bladder but eventually it attacks the kidneys and damages them. However, pregnant women are at higher risk of acquiring kidney infections. Hence, they should take proper precautions to avoid such ailments.

The pregnant women are highly prone to bladder infections due to changes in body hormones and shift in the position of urinary organs. Hence, these physical changes facilitate the transfer of bacterium from the urinary bladder to the kidneys. Therefore, pregnant women should maintain proper hygiene standards to keep the disease at a bay. Usually, the doctors recommend regular urine test to check the presence of infection in the urinary organs.

The infliction of urinary tract infections can lead to premature delivery or high blood pressure among nursing mothers. Hence, the mother needs an appropriate treatment to ward off the disease. They can consult a medical practitioner or gynecologist, who can suggest an appropriate antibiotic treatment for the disease. The doctor will consider various factors like stage of pregnancy, condition of fetus, allergies, drug components etc before subscribing a medicine for the bladder infections.

Medical conditions like inadequate urine flow due to kidney stones or medicines can increase the risk of acquiring UTI. At times, the infection can get out of control and lead to kidney damage. Hence, a pregnant woman should not neglect the symptoms of bladder infections and take immediate medical help. Every pregnant woman has certain dreams for her unborn baby and any kind of negligence can hamper the health of your baby and pose severe delivery problems.

Hence, consult your doctor and purchase an effective medication that can cure bladder infections without showing any side effects on the pregnant women and her unborn baby.

About the Author:

Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on bladder infections, symptoms and cures of the disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

Urinary Tract Health N-Con Tonic - Natural Remedy For Weak Bladder And Incontinence

Urinary Tract Health N-Con Tonic - Natural Remedy For Weak Bladder And IncontinenceDietary Supplement
This formula has been used historically for the aid of the malfunctioning prostate gland. This formula has been designed to dissolve the stones that are in the kidneys, as well as clean out other sedimentation and infection in the prostate. This formula works exceptionally well by itself. However, when combined with Prostate Plus Formula, another male urinary tract formula, they work very synergistically together. All encapsulated products are in a pure 100% vegetable-based capsule.

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Natural Balance Cranbalance, 30-Count

Natural Balance Cranbalance, 30-CountFor years, health experts have recommended cranberries to promote urinary tract health. the cranbalance™ formula provides a convenient, smart, natural way to provide nutritive support for urinary tract health with just one capsule per day.

Price: $8.70

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The Importance of the Bladder

The body is made up of many different things that work together in a complicated, beautiful system. This system does everything needed to allow a person to live their life -it pumps blood throughout the body, it pumps oxygen to the lungs, and it digests food and turns into waste that exits the body so the body can properly get rid of its toxins.

The organ responsible for getting rid of this waste is the urinary bladder, better known as the bladder. Officially described as the organ that "collects blood excreted by the kidneys" it is the organ that's primarily responsible for removing urine from the body so that the body doesn't get clogged down by harmful toxins and waste. In women, the bladder is anterior to the uteris but in infants and very young children, it is actually located in the abdomen.

The bladder is one part of what's known as the urinary tract. There are multiple parts to the urinary tract and each one on necessary to the body's health. The kidneys are part of the urinary tract and are responsible for actually producing urine; they filter waste and toxins out of the body's blood and turn it into urine that needs to be expelled from the body. In order to get out of the body, the urine passes through something known as the ureters, which are small tubes that carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder itself. Then there is also the urethra, which is the pathway out of the body that urine passes through.

The bladder is capable of holding anywhere from 300ml of urine to 500ml; an adult one is capable of holding 500ml, which is fifteen times its empty volume. Doctors have determined that the size of one's bladder differs from person to person; some people are actually capable of holding over 1000 ml of urine, although that is not common by any means.

When the bladder becomes 25% full, it starts to signal to the body that it needs to be emptied, accounting for the "tingling" most people describe the desire to urinate as. In this early state, it's very easy to ignore the urge. However, as it becomes more filled, the urge becomes stronger and harder to resist. When the bladder becomes completely full, the muscle known as the voluntary sphincter will automatically loosen, allowing the urine to leave the body whether someone wants it to or not.

Like all other organs in the body, the bladder is capable of becoming diseased. In fact, bladder infections are the second most common type of infection to occur within the human body. These types of infections occur when bacteria gets into the bladder when it shouldn't and starts to multiply. While these infections are typically not serious, it can spread to the kidneys and become serious.

Overactive bladder is also common; this is a disorder where the bladder is constantly signaling that it needs to be emptied, many times without a real reason. This urge will often happen at night and it's not uncommon for it to be accompanied by incontinence, or the loss of control over one's bladder.

This organ is also capable of getting cancer like any other organ. It's a result of malignant growths migrating there and starting to grow usually from someone where else; the most common type of cancer in this organ is known as transitional cell carcinoma.

Whether it's only an infection or some more serious disease the cancer, most bladder issues start with the same set of symptoms including an increased need to urinate and then pain when one does urinate. The bladder is an amazing organ that is necessary to keeping the body clean and healthy.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created numerous articles on bladder problems. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to bladder problems and how to treat them. Visit http://www.bladder-team.com.

Triple Complex UT Tonic - for Bladder, Urinary Tract Infections & Cystitis

Triple Complex UT Tonic - for Bladder, Urinary Tract Infections & CystitisTriple Complex UT Tonic assist the body to fight infection (natural antibiotic alternative) and to relieve a range of bladder and urinary tract problems including burning while urinating, involuntary incontinence, kidney problems, gallstones and weak bladder. Because all biochemic tissue salts are naturally occurring in the body, Triple Complex UT Tonic is safe to use for all ages from infancy to the elderly and can also be used with confidence during pregnancy and nursing. Other benefits include relief from morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy, as well as improvement in the bio-availability of iron and oxygen in all body cells. Use UT Tonic regularly to Treat the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), bladder problems and cystitis without antibiotics, Prevent and treat UTI's during pregnancy, Assist with involuntary incontinence (sudden involuntary spurts of urine), Relieve the burning sensation associated with urinary tract infections, Prevent morning sickness during pregnancy and Help with the distribution and bio-availability of iron and oxygen in all body cells.

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Types of Urinary Incontinence

When an individual is experiencing the loss of bladder control or urine leakage this condition is known as urinary incontinence. There are various forms of urinary incontinence that an individual may experience. For instance, some individuals will have urine leakage only when a sudden pressure occurs in the lower stomach muscles such as when coughing, laughing, or lifting something, while other individuals may have an uncontrollable constant leaking of small amounts of urine due to an overfilled bladder.

Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing condition and has the potential to cause other complications such as urinary infections; however, in most cases urinary incontinence can be controlled or eliminated through various forms of treatment.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

There are several types of urinary incontinence that a patient may experience and treatment will primarily depend upon which type of urinary incontinence a patient may have. Stress incontinence is a very common form of urinary incontinence and is typically caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles that may occur after a surgical procedure or in women after giving birth.

This type of incontinence will result in urine leakage when the lower muscles of the stomach experience a sudden pressure such as when coughing, laughing, exercising, or lifting. Urge incontinence is another type of urinary incontinence that can occur when an individual has strong or sudden urges to urinate and is unable reach a restroom in time.

Overflow incontinence is the consistent leakage of small amounts of urine due to the bladder being overfull. When an individual has overflow incontinence they may have the feeling of never being able to fully empty their bladder and have a weak or small stream when urinating.

Functional incontinence is when an individual has the normal ability to control their bladder; however, they experience difficulty getting to the bathroom in time due to another condition such as arthritis or other issues that cause them to have difficulty with mobility.

Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

Treatment for these symptoms depends upon the type and severity as well as any other underlying medical conditions that may be causing the bladder leakage. Mild cases of urinary system problem may only require certain behavioral or lifestyle changes including bladder training which consists of delaying urination for ten minutes after an individual first feels the urge to go.

This type of therapy may be utilized with other forms of treatment with the primary goal being to increase the length of time of between going to the restroom by at least two to four hours. Other forms of behavioral training include scheduling specific times for going to the bathroom rather than waiting for the urge to go, and managing ones fluid intake or diet by cutting back on acidic foods, caffeine, alcohol, and reducing the consumption of liquids.

Physical therapy that consists of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles can also be used to control urinary system problem as well as several different types of medications that are prescribed for the specific type of urinary incontinence.

There are surgical procedures that can also be performed in order to control these diseases; however, these are typically only done when other forms of treatment have been ineffective. It is essential if you are experiencing any type of bladder leakage that you schedule an appointment with your physician for a medical evaluation as left untreated, urinary incontinence can cause urinary tract infections, sores, skin rashes and other types of skin infection.

About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.

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Urethritis Symptoms

Many individuals may suffer from the medical condition known as urethritis at one point in their lives. This condition occurs when there is an infection of the part of the urinary system known as the urethra. This urinary system component is responsible for carrying urine from the bladder to the area of the body that urine is emitted from the body.

When an infection invades this tubal component of the urological system, inflammation occurs. When one suffers from this issue, the most common symptom is difficulty when urinating and even pain while attempting to eliminate fluids from the body. In this guide, you will be introduced to important information pertaining to urethritis.

Causes of Urethritis

There are many potential causes of urethritis. Medical professionals have established that this type of urinary problem may be caused by various types of bacterium, an assortment of fungi, and even various types of viruses.

While there are types of bacterium and fungi that have been found to be helpful to the human body and actually live in the gastrointestinal tract of the body, it has been established that an over abundance of these bacterium and fungi could invade the urethra and cause medical complications.

In addition to this, many individuals have acquired urethritis by engaging in sexual activities with a partner that has the condition. Examples of organisms that are transmitted during sexual activity include "Neisseria Gonorrhoeae", "Chlamydia", and the "Herpes Simplex Virus".


There are symptoms that may be experienced when an individual experiences urethritis. Not all individuals that suffer from this urinary complication will experience symptoms. If a sufferer does experience issues as a direct result of an infection and inflammation in the urethra, it is common for the symptom of pain to be experienced during urination.

Many individuals describe this pain as a dull, aching pain while others describe it as the feeling of intense pressure or sharp, shooting pains. Many individuals that suffer from this type of infection find that they suffer from a frequent need to urinate during the day and in the night hours. If an individual acquires this condition as a direct result of a sexually transmitted disease, the symptoms mentioned here may be accompanied by symptoms that are associated with the actual STD.

Potential Complications

There are many potential complications associated with infections that originate and grow in the urethra. In some instances, the infection and inflammation experienced in the urethra may cause the space within this component of the urinary system to narrow drastically. Many individuals may also develop infections in the other components of the urinary system.

It is common for the bladder and/or the kidneys to become infected with the infection that started in the urethra. If you feel as if you have an infection in the urethra, you should visit your doctor for a complete evaluation. If a diagnosis is confirmed there are treatments available that will prevent potential complications such as those outlined here.

About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.

Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at!

If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends: http://www.AnneAhiraRecommends.com

U.I. Formula, for overactive bladders and bladder control (2 Bottles of 50 Tablets)

U.I. Formula, for overactive bladders and bladder control (2 Bottles of 50 Tablets)If you suffer with an overactive bladder, let me tell you about a proven, natural solution that can change your life...virtually overnight! U.I. Formula gives you much more than relief and control over an overactive bladder. It gives you the freedom to be active during the day-without having to be near a bathroom all the time. It targets the hidden causes of urinary problems, and it alleviates infection, extreme urgency, dribbling, and painful pressure. U.I. Formula is a powerful blend of homeopathic ingredients that can: · Give you quick, lasting bladder control · Prevent against a urinary tract infection · Stop burning and painful urination · Reduce frequency and relieve urgency · Tone and strengthen the muscles · Disinfect urethra and bladder · Gently flush out impurities · Support and cleanse the kidneys · Help prevent kidney stone infection Take control today- for maximum urinary control, and ultimate relief!

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Ut Tonic For Bladder Urinary Tract Infections

Ut Tonic For Bladder Urinary Tract InfectionsTriple Complex UT Tonic assist the body to fight infection (natural antibiotic alternative) and to relieve a range of bladder and urinary tract problems including burning while urinating, involuntary incontinence, kidney problems, gallstones and weak bladder. Because all biochemic tissue salts are naturally occurring in the body, Triple Complex UT Tonic is safe to use for all ages from infancy to the elderly and can also be used with confidence during pregnancy and nursing. Other benefits include relief from morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy, as well as improvement in the bio-availability of iron and oxygen in all body cells. Use UT Tonic regularly to Treat the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), bladder problems and cystitis without antibiotics, Prevent and treat UTI's during pregnancy, Assist with involuntary incontinence (sudden involuntary spurts of urine), Relieve the burning sensation associated with urinary tract infections, Prevent morning sickness during pregnancy and Help with the distribution and bio-availability of iron and oxygen in all body cells. May also be combined with Native Remedies' UTI-Clear for Urinary Tract Infections.

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Urinary Tract Infection Can Lead to Serious Complications

Are you experiencing any of the following?

Painful urination
Blood in your urine
Dark, cloudy or smelly urine
Pain or tenderness in your lower abdomen or back
Burning when you urinate
General feeling of illness paired with any of the above symptoms

If you are experiencing the above; you may urinary tract infections symptoms. Some mild urinary tract infections symptoms will resolve in a few days with fluids, rest and pain relievers. However if after two to three days your symptoms are not getting better; you may want to consult a physician. These symptoms left untreated can lead to infection in the kidneys (nephritis). Nephritis can lead to serious (even life threatening) complications. Infection treatment with antibiotics is central to overcoming nephritis. Symptoms that lead to nephritis can cause eth following serious complications:

Bacteremia or sepsis is a serious infection that occurs when untreated urinary tract infections symptoms let bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Urinary tract infection treatment is needed immediately and may require hospitalization to administer intravenous antibiotics.
Permanent kidney damage or failure can occur when urinary tract infections and symptoms are left untreated. Surgery may be required to remove the damaged kidney or dialysis (mechanically cleansing the blood of waste) may be needed.
Portal hypertension can occur due to the inability of damaged kidneys to regulate the amount of water and waste in the bloodstream. This can cause an unhealthy increase in the blood pressure. An increase in blood pressure can damage the heart, and blood vessels. Stroke and heart attack can also be caused by untreated tract infections and symptoms.
Chronic untreated urinary tract infections and symptoms can lead to scarring of the bladder, kidneys ureters (tubes urine travels from kidneys to bladder) and urethra (tube that removes urine from the body). This scarring can create a malady of problems including pelvic inflammatory disease, urine retention, incontinence (involuntary bladder accidents), fluid retention in the body, congestive heart failure due to the back up of fluid around the heart, and breathing problems due to fluid collection in the lungs.
Medications can accumulate in the blood stream due to the inability of the kidneys to breakdown and remove them. This can lead to increased levels of certain medications and lead to accidental overdose.

The urinary tract has a key responsibility of regulating the water ratio in our body and removing harmful toxins and waste. An alteration in this process can lead to detrimental problems. The elderly and children are especially prone to urinary tract infections and symptoms that when left untreated cause serious health issues. Anytime a child or elderly person exhibits these symptoms; close monitoring and treatment is advised. In healthy adults and teens it is advised any symptoms that do not clear up in a few days should be assessed by a physician.

Need more advice on Urinary Tract Infection? Visit our website at symptom-diagnosis.com to find expert advice, reviews and great information on a range of symptom diagnoses, including Depression.

Urinary Tract Infection Risk Factors

Urinary tract infections are considered to be the third most common medical complaint in the United States. This type of infection follows influenza and the cold that millions of individuals suffer from annually. It has been established that women that are in the reproductive years of their life suffer from urinary tract infections more than any other group in the population.

Based on statistics, it has been established that most women will experience a minimum of one infection of the urinary tract during their lifetime and many of the women that experience at least one infection will suffer from reoccurring infections over the course of their lifetime. In this medical guide, you will learn about the various risk factors associated with these infections.

Risk Factors Specific to Women

There are many urinary tract infection risk factors that are specific to women. As stated previously, women in their child bearing years suffer more from infections of the urinary tract than any other group in the general population. One of the main culprits of this type of infection relates to the general structure of the urethra. In women, the average urethra is less than two inches in length but in men, the average is approximately eight inches.

It has been established that fecal matter may invade the area of the urethra. When this happens, bacterium is transferred from the fecal waste to the urethra opening. In addition to urethra length and structure, it has been established that many women suffer from infections in the urinary tract as a result of sexual intercourse. Other risk factors in women include but are not limited to the following:

• The use of antibiotics.

• Becoming pregnant or during the course of a pregnancy.

• Many experience urinary tract infections immediately following menopause.

• Many will experience infections of the these infections by using certain types of contraceptives.

• Allergies are also considered to be a culprit for urinary tract infections.

Risk Factors Specific to Men

Men have their own risk factors for developing urinary tract infections. Most men over the age of fifty have an increased chance of an infection occurring. If a man begins to experience complications with their prostate, it is likely that they will experience these types of infections.

This is especially true if the prostate becomes enlarged for one reason or another. While women experience these infections more frequently than men, it is quite likely that when a man develops this type of infection that they may be hospitalized.

General Risk Factors

There are many general risk factors that are not gender specific when it comes to the development of urinary tract infections. These general risk factors include all of the following:

• If an individual has to stay in a type of institution, they may be subjected to bacterium that could result in a UTI.

• Many that have to experience a catheterization will develop a UTI.

• If a person suffers from complications associated with the immune system, they may develop a urinary tract infection.

• Certain medical conditions make an individual more susceptible to urinary tract infections. These include but are not limited to: kidney issues, diabetes, certain types of anemia, HIV, AIDS, pelvic inflammatory disease, and even issues with the bladder such as neurogenic bladder.

There are many effective treatments for a urinary tract infection. If you feel as if you may have this type of infection, you should make an appointment with a medical professional in order to confirm a diagnosis.

Your doctor will likely take a urine sample in order to find the culprit for the infection. Once a culprit is identified, an appropriate medication will be prescribed. Once you start treatment for a UTI, it is important that you continue it until the medication is all out even if symptoms go away before the end of the treatment.

About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia.

Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at!

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Nature's Secret Urinary Cleanse and Flush with Cranberry Extract Capsules, 60-Count BoxNatures Secret Urinary Cleanse and Flush with Cranberry Extract! The urinary system is composed of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Urinary Cleanse & Flush is designed with nutrients to support the proper functioning of the urinary system. This formula includes cranberry extract which contains bladder protecting compounds. The antioxidant components in cranberries are also widely known for their health-promoting properties. Urinary Cleanse & Flush provides ingredients such as goldenrod, birch leaf extract and uva ursi which have all traditionally been used to nourish, cleanse and support the urinary system.

Price: $14.99

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Urinary Tract Infections Symptoms

Urinary Tract Infections Symptoms How do you know you are struck with UTI? Here are some typical signs of urinary tract infections. As mentioned in What is Urinary Tract Infection, different urinary parts could be infected and they are your body organs which are the bladder and kidneys.

Below are the urinary tract infections symptoms, if your bladder is infected (cystitis).

Burning sensation while emptying the bladder

When peeing, instead of feeling relax when the urine is drained out of your bladder, you feel painful passing it out. Often, with a burning sensation.

Urge of peeing

You often feel that your bladder is full and you have the need to clear off your watery waste. However, once in the toilet, little or no urine is expelled from your body.

Alternatively, you may visit the toilet very often with urine passed out, even though you are not drinking a lot of water. Or you may feel that your bladder is not able to hold as much waste waster as before and you need to visit the restroom to clear them asap.

Foul-smelling or bloody urine

There are usually a couple of reasons for smelly urine, and usually the culprit is due to the food you intake. However if you are having your usual diet for the past few days and your urine smells, and you have the signs of urinary tract infections, this could ring some bells.

If you are having bloody urine, consult a doctor immediately! Even if it is not UTI, it could be damage to your organs which could pose a health risk if left untreated!

Pain in lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen is pretty common when you overate or when you are having some stomach discomfort. However if you are having pain in your lower abdomen, coupled with the above signs of UTI, try solving it yourself with Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies.

If the pain persist or the pain become acute, consult a doctor immediately!

If your kidneys are infected by the E coil bacteria, you are going to have much more serious symptoms, and a doctor visit is a must.

With kidney infections (pyelonephritis), you are likely to have the following signs

High Fever and Chills

For no reason, you will feel feverish and have high fever as this is due to your body immune system fighting the bacteria in the kidneys. And you will get chills, feeling cold, due to the evaporation of your cold sweats.

Nausea and Vomiting

Even though you consume nothing or little food, you feel like puking and clearing out your stomach.

Cloudy and/or Bloody Urine

Your urine will inform you of the health status of your body. If it is clear and smell-less, your body seems to be working fine. But once it becomes unusually cloudy and even bloody. Visit the doctor immediately. A constant flow of bloody urine is not a good signs.

Once you have warning signs of urinary tract infections, always consult your doctor immediately. It is always better treat the disease and cure it. Nipping the problem in the bud will make it less uncomfortable and heal your unwanted UTI faster.

Do not let children suffer alone, learn more about urinary tract infection in children

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What's Good For Bladder Problems?

Bladder infection, or cystitis, is a form of urinary tract infection which occurs when bacteria infiltrates the urinary tract and infects the urethra and the bladder. Bladder infections result from bacteria that cause an inflammation of the bladder's inner lining. In bladder inflammations without the presence of an infection, known as interstitial inflammations, the pain and swelling occur between the urinary bladder lining and the bladder muscle, not on the bladder walls as in most infections.

Antibiotics, oral contraceptives, stress, and improper diet all weaken the immune system and create a tendency for recurring infections. Bacteria may pre-sensitize the bladder so that various promoters (some foods, drugs, viruses, or even exposure to cold drafts and dampness) may start the chronic disease process. Also, cystitis is more common in women.

Bladder infections often respond to diet and lifestyle changes. Though foods and beverages do not usually cause bladder problems to develop, some can make symptoms worse. Avoid alcohol, artificial sweeteners, soda pop, and sugar. If experiencing bladder problems, limit consumption of caffeine, dairy foods, fruits or fruit juice, honey, and meat. Also, try to avoid taking aspirin, and avoid exposure to tobacco smoke.

Moderate exercise may be helpful for preventing bladder function. Avoid overeating, and maintain a proper weight. Drink at least 8-12 cups of water daily, but not large amounts at one time. Proper genital hygiene is important in women who suffer from recurrent bladder infections. Constipation can affect bladder function, so try to consume a high fiber diet. Avoid stress.

Some vitamins and herbs are considered helpful in improving bladder function. Herbs, and other foods, considered helpful include: apple, asparagus, bearberry, birch, blueberry, carrot, celery, cherries, chickweed, chicory, couch grass, cranberry, cucumber, dandelion, echinacea, garlic, goldenseal, horseradish, juniper, lemons, lovage, onion, parsley, peach, radish, shavegrass, stinging nettle, violet, watermelon, willow, yellow dock, and yogurt. Supplements, which may be helpful, include: acidophilus, B complex, beta-carotene, C, calcium and magnesium, E, and zinc.

Caution- Bladder infections can lead to kidney infection, so seek professional medical care, especially if the pain is severe or if the infection does not react to treatment. Other serious signs are lower-back pain, fever, or blood in the urine.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

Charles Browne is an ezine author promoting nutritional healing, and disease prevention. He is also co-author of the web comic The Adventures of Deaf Duck.

UTI-Clear for Cystitis, Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections

UTI-Clear for Cystitis, Bladder and Urinary Tract InfectionsMost conventional doctors choose antibiotics as the preferred treatment for a UTI. A course of antibiotics can quickly cure a UTI and kill the bacteria that cause it. Although antibiotics certainly have their place, there are two main problems with antibiotic use for urinary tract infections - 1. Due to the frequency of antibiotic use, bacteria are developing a resistance to the antibiotics, making them less and less effective. The 'smarter' the antibiotics become, the 'smarter' are the bacteria, which mutate to avoid the effects of the antibiotics; 2. Frequent use of antibiotics will also affect your immune system functioning. A healthy immune system is important in the prevention of UTIs. This means that the antibiotics that are used to cure your UTI may make another infection more likely in the near future. Using the knowledge and experience of experts in the field of natural and indigenous medicine, Native Remedies has developed a unique formula containing a total of seven therapeutic herbs, especially selected to relieve the symptoms of UTI and promote the health of the urinary system. UTI-Clear relieves the symptoms of cystitis, bladder infections and UTI and effectively stops burning when urinating; helps to flush out the bladder and urinate more easily; reduces the need for frequent urination and eliminates inability to urinate; treats and prevents recurring cystitis; assists with bloating and as a diuretic; reduces your dependence on antibiotics.

Price: $37.95

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Will Urinary Pain Be Worse Than You Think?

Women are more prone to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for reasons not properly specified. Men may acquire same infection less, but once it occurs, it can be terribly serious. The kidneys, urethra, ureters and bladder are the organs that make-up the urinary system.

The kidneys, which are consist of a pair of purplish-brown organs are the key elements that remove excess wastes and liquids that is extracted from the blood in the form of liquid called urine. Once UTI develops in your system you are opt to experience urinary pain.

Urinary pain can be experienced in any region of the urinary system. This includes kidney or bladder pain, urination pain, urinary burning and urethral pain. The infection develops when organisms, most of the time bacteria that comes from the digestive tract, adhere to the urethra's aperture and start to proliferate.

The urethra becomes the first breeding ground of the bacteria. It then stirs to the bladders that usually causes cystitis and if not treated, afterwards, move to the ureters, which transmit the bacteria to the kidneys.

Some people can easily get UTI. This is brought about by any irregularity in the urinary tract that impedes the urine's flow making the infection development. People with Diabetes commonly feel urinary pain. They have also more prone to UTI because of their immune system's instability.

Disorder in the immune system increases the threat of acquiring a urinary problem. Infants with urinary tract deformity when they were born obtain UTI and are only corrected by surgery.

Urinary pain caused by UTI can be frustrating. Its painful and burning sensation in the bladder area while urinating frequently in small amount can make a person with feel bad. Women, most of the time, experience a sore pressure over the pubic bone while fullness in the erectum are what most men feel. UTI can be recurring and so the pain while urinating.

A recent study implied that the intermittent urinary infection is due to the ability of bacteria to append to cell linings of the urinary tract. Bacteria also structure a defensive film on the bladder's inner lining.

Another study pointed out that, those women who do not have certain blood components of antigens are more likely to have recurrent UTIs. That's because bacteria can easily affix to the cell linings of their vagina and urethra.

While most of the people urinate for the pleasure of relief, others who have urinary tract infections experience urinary pain. If you are not diagnosed at the moment of any urinary infection but undergo the same dilemma, you may want to consider going to the doctor to find out what medications will be best for you.

Remember, urinary disease at times do not have any symptoms. Other indications range from minor burning while urinating or unusual smell of urine to high fever and relentless pain. If urinary infections are not treated right away it can result to stern kidney problem in the future. If suspicions arise, immediately consult a doctor.

Take your health seriously, don't take any chances.

For a complete do-it-yourself UTI 12-Hour home natural treatment, get the UTI Remedy Report and be UTI clear by tomorrow!

It is important because urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys. If not treated promptly and properly, this could lead to more serious health problems.

For a complete do-it-yourself UTI 12-Hour home natural treatment, get the UTI Remedy Report and be UTI clear by tomorrow!

It is important because urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys. If not treated promptly and properly, this could lead to more serious health problems.

For a complete do-it-yourself 12-Hour home urinary tract infection natural remedy, visit http://www.uticures.com and be UTI clear by tomorrow!

It is important because urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys. If not treated promptly and properly, this could lead to more serious health problems.

Bladder Infection - Common Bladder Problem

Bladder problems are long-listed. But, bladder infection is a common bladder problem which major population is facing these days. In medical term, this problem is known as "cystitis."

Several doctors are available these days that can cure this problem quickly and efficiently but the thing which matters is the proper diagnosis of it.

It is not necessary to be a doctor to diagnose the urinary tract infection (UTI). One can easily come to know if he is having this infection or not. Symptoms of this disease are quite similar to symptoms of kidney infection.

It can be more serious if not diagnosed on time. Before a chronic kidney infection becomes a major kidney problem, it is important to diagnose it soon. Because, if it is not done; it may lead to kidney failure.

Symptoms of bladder infection are:

?One feels strong urge for urination. Delayed is not possible.

?Urinate number of times approximately more than six times. If someone feels the need to urinate more frequently, it means there is something wrong in the bladder.

?Stinging or burning sensation is experienced by an individual during urination. In medical terms, this condition is known as dysuria.

?Urine is darker than usual and smells unpleasant than normal days.

?Bladder spasms occur most of the times. This squeezing sensation is involuntary and sudden and occurs due to contraction of bladder. And individuals feel to urinate when it happens.

?When there is chance of bladder infection, one may suffer from mild fever. But, this condition does not prevail all the time.

?One may face soreness or pain in the back, abdomen or sides.

If one finds these symptoms, he/she needs to consult doctor as soon as possible. If someone ignores it, then condition may become worse. One needs to go and take doctor's appointment to get rid of this problem before it becomes major.

With over 15 years of experience in different branches of medical science, Tamim Ahmad regularly writes on various diseases and their possible treatments. This article is about bladder infection

Native Remedies Triple Complex UT Tonic for Ongoing Urinary Tract and Bladder Support (360 Tablets)

Native Remedies Triple Complex UT Tonic for Ongoing Urinary Tract and Bladder Support (360 Tablets)Triple Complex UT-Tonic is a combination of three, cellular-supporting tissue salts selected for their tonic effect on urinary tract and bladder health. This combination of tissue salts can be used regularly in a general capacity to promote systemic balance in the urinary system, as well as in conjunction with other remedies to maintain therapeutic effectiveness. Use Triple Complex UT-Tonic to support urinary system by promoting equilibrium at a cellular level; promote bladder health, muscle strength and tightness; soothe urinary tract using systemic flushing; promote distribution and bio-availability of iron and oxygen in all body cells; maintain routine balance of cell salts in the body amd safely treat a variety of symptoms during pregnancy and nursing.

Price: $36.95

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Planetary Formulas Cranberry Bladder Defense, 880 mg, Tablets, 120 tablets

Planetary Formulas Cranberry Bladder Defense, 880 mg, Tablets, 120 tabletsHerbal supplement. Supports genito-urinary health. Formulas by Michael Tierra L.Ac., O.M.D. Cranberry's unique constituents are noted for their anti-adhesion qualities, which support a healthy genito-urinary tract. Planetary formulas Cranberry Bladder Defense combines a highly concentrated cranberry extract with echinacea, one of North America's most respected botanicals to support our immune system, and ulva ursi, highly valued for its support of the genito-urinary system. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

Price: $34.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Symptoms and Risks of Bladder Cancer

There are two primary bladder cancer symptoms - a drastic change in urination habits or patterns, and blood in the urine. Unfortunately, many instances of this potentially deadly disease are still unrecognized in people's lives.

Every year, over 54,000 cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed in America. And annually, over 12,000 people die from it. While the five-year survival rate is doing well at over 80%, that number could be higher if more instances of the disease were noticed and addressed early.

This is why understanding and detecting the symptoms is so critical. To learn more about the different symptoms associated with the disease, along with possible risk factors - keep reading.

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Bloody Urine: The primary symptom is blood in the urine. While bloody urine can often be an indicator of other bladder problems (kidney cancer, kidney stones, bladder infections), it's almost always exhibited in patients diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Urination Patterns: Most people diagnosed complain of a frequent urge to pee, possible urinary incontinence and difficulty making it through the night without having to use the bathroom multiple times. Unfortunately, most patients with bladder cancer are older and don't recognize this symptom as a potential indicator of a more serious problem.

Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer

Smoking: Like many cancers, smoking tobacco products is a major cause. In fact, smokers are twice as likely to develop the disease. Among men, smoking is the cause of 50% of bladder cancer deaths. In women, that number drops to 30%.

The carcinogens in cigarettes make their way into the blood stream and finally through the bladder and into the urine, which is why they're such a major cause of bladder cancer.

Occupational Exposure: Industrial chemicals known as aromatic amines, like beta-napthylamine and benzidine which are sometimes used in the dye industry, can be a contributing factor for bladder cancer.

Other organic chemicals, like those used in rubber plants, leather manufacturers, fabrics and textiles and printing firms, are also a higher risk factor for the disease.

Race: Bladder cancer is typically more common in Caucasians than other races.

Age: The risk for developing it increases with age. The average age for those diagnosed with the disease is around 68 years. Meanwhile, less than 1% of bladder cancer patients are age 39 and under.

Chronic Bladder Problems: Patients who have a long-term history of kidney stones, urinary infections, bladder stones or other forms of chronic bladder irritation may be at an increased risk for developing it.

If you have been exposed to or belong to any of the above risk factors or categories, it's critical that you understand and watch for bladder cancer symptoms like blood in the urine or sudden changes in your urination habits.

For helpful information on various cancers - please visit cancerinfotips.com - a popular site providing symptom and treatment insights - such as men's breast cancer [http://www.cancerinfotips.com/mens-breast-cancer.shtml] - childhood osteosarcoma [http://www.cancerinfotips.com/childhood-osteosarcoma.shtml] - and many more!

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