51 Tips for Dealing with Kidney Stones

51 Tips for Dealing with Kidney StonesKidney stones can be a very painful experience. This ebook is designed to give you ideas on how to prevent and treat kidney stones.

Kidney stones start when minerals and other substances in over concentrated urine form crystals on your kidneys. These crystals can combine to form small, hard masses, or stones. Most kidney stones pass into your bladder without
causing any permanent damage, but some cause
excruciating pain, while others need surgery.

This valuable book goes into detail about the symptoms, the types of kidney stones, causes, pain management, treatments, and prevention methods of kidney stones!

Kidney stones can be a very painful experience. This ebook is designed to give you ideas on how to prevent and treat kidney stones. In this ebook you'll learn:

* Symptoms of kidney stones

* How kidney stones are diagnosed

* Treatments

* What you can do at home

* Herbal remedies

Price: $3.99

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Botanic Choice Ultra Kidney Complex Capsules, 60-Count Bottle

Botanic Choice Ultra Kidney Complex Capsules, 60-Count BottleAbout 80 percent of your body is liquid. Most of this fluid must be pumped and filtered through your kidneys. An intricate web of tubules, loops, and capsules, your kidneys are the most complex organs in your body. Think for a moment about all the foods you consume, liquids you drink, and even the chemicals you breathe every day. Many of the toxins in your system are eventually filtered through your hard-working, often abused kidneys.

A Naturally Complex Process...

About the size of your fist, your two kidneys are located in the middle of your back. Every day these sophisticated organs process about 200 quarts of blood and sift out about two quarts of waste every single day. This waste comes from normal processing of foods and liquids. After your body takes what it needs, it sends the waste to the blood where your kidneys filter it.

Tiny units called nephrons do the actual filtering. Amazingly, each kidney has about one million nephrons to support this intricate process.

...Requires a Complex Formula, Naturally

This complexity requires natural, high-quality support - the kind you find in Ultra Kidney Complex. This powerful breakthrough is uniquely formulated to help your nephrons, your kidneys and your urinary tract filter and discharge wastes, properly and naturally...because the last thing you want are more unnecessary, unnatural chemicals in your system.

Price: $29.99

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CYSTEX TABSCystex helps to relieve the pain and burning associated with a urinary tract infection (UTI) while also inhibiting the progression of the infection with an antibacterial. It is the only OTC urinary pain relief medicine to combine a key pain-fighting analgesic, sodium salicylate, with an effective antibacterial agent, methenamine, to help stop the pain and progression of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Additionally, Cystex will not change the color of the urine as some other OTC medications will.

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My Physician Guide to Urinary Tract Infections: What You Need to Know to Stop Urinary Tract Infections and Prevent Them from Coming Back!

My Physician Guide to Urinary Tract Infections:  What You Need to Know to Stop Urinary Tract Infections and Prevent Them from Coming Back!A Physician Approved Guide Detailing: UNDERSTANDING URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS... * * A complete list of causes and how to pinpoint the source of your discomfort * * Identify classic symptoms of upper and lower urinary tract infection * * The warning signs that your UTI might be a life threatening kidney infection * * Find out if you or your family members have an increased risk for UTIs ...and what you can do about it * * Why bladder infections in men can be potentially serious conditions * * Learn what caused your infection, why it keeps coming back and what you can do to break the cycle * * The added risks of cystitis in children and those who are pregnant * * Recognize mounting symptoms to stop the infection before it gets out of hand * * Find out why diabetes patients have an increased risk of developing UTIs and what you can do about it * * Key questions to ask your doctor when discussing your condition CONVENTIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS... * * Eight simple steps to bring you relief in under thirty minutes * * Discover proven alternative treatments and the expensive medications to avoid * * How to get a good night's sleep and ease the pain fast * * The common mistakes many UTI sufferers make that actually worsen their symptoms * Therapeutic teas that relieve pain, discomfort and inflammation * * The number one vitamin that can drastically reduce symptoms * * The one fruit that health professionals are raving about * * Learn traditional treatment options and the holistic remedies that compliment them * Breakthrough treatments for intestinal cystitis PREVENT UTIs FROM EVER COMING BACK! * Discover little known preventative practices to guard you against future attacks * Know which foods may add to the likelihood of developing an infection * * The one type of contraceptive that may be culprit * * Susceptibility can be hereditary. Learn how you can protect your family from future complications * * Dieting tricks to lower your risk * * The effects of stress on the urinary system and calming techniques to keep you UTI-free * * How sexual health and safety can boost your defense mechanisms * The 5 things you should do before and after sex to significantly reduce your risk

Price: $9.99

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AZO All Natural Concentrated Cranberry Tablets, 50-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

AZO All Natural Concentrated Cranberry Tablets, 50-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)INDICATIONS: Azo Healthy Urinary Tract infections are caused by bacteria - usually the E. Coli bacteria. Studies have shown that cranberry helps block the attachment of the E. Coli bacteria to the urinary bladder wall. Take AZO Cranberry(R) concentrated tablets regularly to help maintain a healthy urinary tract. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This produce in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Price: $28.56

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AZO Standard Urinary Pain Relief Tablets, 30-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

AZO Standard Urinary Pain Relief Tablets, 30-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)INDICATIONS:Urinary Pain Reliever. AZO Standard Urinary Pain Relief Tablets prescribed by doctors for fast relief of urinary discomfort. Nothing relieves urinary pain faster. DIRECTIONS: Adults: Take 2 tablets 3 times daily with or after meals as needed.

Price: $26.70

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