Infections That Can Affect the Urinary Tract

Our urinary tract is susceptible to several infections. It gets infected due to bacterial microbes that hamper the functioning of urinary system. This health issue leads to severe complications which reach uncontrollable levels after sometime. The infliction of the bacterium can lead to severe complications.

The type of UTI depends upon the urinary part that gets infected.

Urethritis: This is a sexually transmitted disease that leads to inflammation of urethra. The bacterium attacks the urethra during the sexual intercourse and spreads the infections. This condition is accompanied by discomfort during urine secretion. However, no case has been reported where patient is suffering from frequent or painful urine flow.

Cystitis: This infection leads to inflammation of bladder walls. The bacterium invades the bladder and leads to urinary symptoms such as painful urine flow, urinary urgency, inability to empty bladder, pain in pelvic region etc. This urinary tract problem is detected by testing the urine sample for the concentration of white blood cells.

Hemorrhagic Cystitis: This condition occurs when the patient notices blood in the urinary secretion. This occurs on exposure to radiations or harsh medications that show adverse effects. The disease leads to irritation while voiding the urine. The infection is free from symptoms such as hypertension or renal failure.

Pyelonephritis: Sometimes, the patient fails to judge urinary tract infections; hence the cystitis gets converted into Pyelonephritis (Kidney infection). It is an invasive disease that leads to death in some cases. The symptoms include high fever, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, blood or pus in urine etc. The kidney infection can also lead to kidney scarring or damage. Thus, the kidney can shut down and require a replacement through kidney transplant.

So, make sure that you consult a good medical practitioner, so that he can ask you to undergo the required diagnosis and recommend an effective treatment for the urinary tract infection.

About the Author:

Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on urinary tract, symptoms and cures of the disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

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