What You Need to Know About Feline Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

People often believe that there are diseases that we contract that our beloved pets do not have a danger of getting-this is not always the case. Animals, like us, can get infected with urinary tract infection or UTI. To avoid having the cats go through suffering this common disorder, we need to find out more about feline urinary tract infection symptoms and causes of feline UTI so we can make sure that our cats stay as healthy as they can be.

It is useful for us to know the factors that contribute to having UTI, even though some of them cannot be helped. For example, male cats are more susceptible in acquiring this ailment more than the female cats. Another thing is the animal's age. Definitely the older the cat is, the weaker the system they have, the higher the possibility of UTI.

Perhaps one of the major causes of feline UTI is urolithiasis. It is a mouthful but all it really means is that crystal stones are formed that block the passage of the urinary tract. An effective way to prevent this from happening is to give your pet a low magnesium diet and a lot of water constantly. Keep the cat's living area as clean and sanitary as you can.

How will you know if your cat has UTI? Feline urinary tract infection symptoms are a little difficult to detect as cats have a high tolerance for pain. They will continue to snuggle against you and purr even if they are already suffering from the disorder. You can study their urinating behavior to know for sure if they have UTI.

We know that UTI blocks the urinary tract passage, making it hard for the animal to urinate. If the cat pees in small amounts, is straining to do so, or urinates more often than what seems to be normal to you - she might already have an infection in the bladder that merits medical treatment.

Cats that do have UTI will progressively find urinating a very painful activity. They will pee in places other than their litter boxes because they associate the box with peeing. Cool and flat surfaces will most likely be an ideal spot for them to relieve themselves. When they do pee, look for traces of blood in their urine - this is a sure sign of UTI.

A red and inflamed bladder area is another sin of this disorder. The cat will often lick the surrounding area of infection in an attempt to ease her discomfort. The pain will cause them to cry while they urinate. Being excessively thirsty may be a reason of concern as well because dehydration more often points to internal problems that need to be addressed to prevent it from getting worse.

The importance of going to the vet for accurate prognosis once you see symptoms manifesting cannot be stressed enough. Feline UTI may be common, but you have several treatments you can avail of to help your cat. Set regular appointment with your vet to discuss all the options to keep your cat as healthy as you possibly can.

Several informative articles on causes of feline UTI have been written by Melissa Simmonds to help other pet owners combat this common cat disorder. Go to this page and read important information on feline urinary tract infection symptoms that may help keep all of your cat's nine lives safe.

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